Orders Module Outputs

Orders Module is the main core function of the Shipexr app which allows you to export outputs of the system to many end points such as the following

  1. Invoices and transactions for each collected / terminated orders
  2. Users Collected orders and counts for all orders processed within the user account (brand)
  3. Drivers orders and counts and activity
  4. Orders full reports that shows all the orders management counts and charts
  5. Systems activities and global performance
  6. Company profits and collections

Order Module provides actions on each order to be shown on the order details page any updates on order statues are logged in the action area of the order. Also order dashboard have many events triggered to be handled form other modules such as SMS module that optianly send an sms according to each event for customer phone number Events you can assign an handler to it is

  1. Order created by the brand / admin
  2. order updated statues
  3. order canceled by the client
  4. order assigned to a driver
  5. order delivered
  6. order collected (automatically get inserted in the brand invoice)

Any event listed here can assigned to many notification handler such as notify the brand dashboard , send a notification email
for the brand , send sms for the receiver phone number

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