Searching / filtering features

Orders Dashboard provide you with an easy way to allocate any orders from your backend by many features as the best value for easy tracking any inquiries by your clients such as

  • Date Range selectors
    You can select your orders from a specific date range selector to show only the matched orders within this dates
  • Search by barcode / Orders id
    ith search bar you can easily find any record matches the require order id / barcode Also within the same search bar you can find the orders by phone number , reference number , receiver name ,Etc.
  • Filter engine
    With filter engine you can find all orders matched the filters such as for example find all active orders for specific brand / specific date / specific statues / type of the order and so on.

With filter engine you can find all orders matched the filters such as for example find all active orders for specific brand / specific date / specific statues / type of the order and so on.

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